
五苓散证辨析 被引量:3

An Analysis of Syndrome of Five Substances Powder with Poria
摘要 五苓散证以津液不足或津液积聚为标,津液敷布失调为本,津液失调为病可表现为多种病证。五苓散以泽泻、猪苓、茯苓通利三焦水道为主,甘淡利水药味多而分量重,重在交通上下。五苓散原方服法是捣为散,以白饮和服方寸匕,用以治疗急性津液失调,小其制并以米汤调服则避免水逆之吐,继之多饮暖水,增加津液为作汗之源。霍乱吐利,口渴欲饮,仲景用五苓散,《金匮要略》三焦蓄水证,仲景用五苓散,也用五苓散加茵陈蒿,都是抓住了五苓散证津液输布失调的病机和口渴、小便不利症状的共同性,给后世对五苓散应用的发挥起了很好的示范作用。 If Taiyang exterior syndrome has too much sweating, loss of sweat, or is mistreated by using purgative therapy, it can de- velop into syndrome of Five Substances Powder with Poria. If exterior syndrome is not removed, body fluid is hurt, it can be called exterior-interior syndrome. However,if there are no symptoms of Shaoyang and Yangming, the interior syndrome does not belong to disease progress of Shaoyang and Yangming meridians. So the secondary aspect of syndrome of Five Substances Powder with Poria is deficient body fluid or retention of body fluid,and its primary aspect is distribution imbalance of body fluid. This kind of disease can be manifested as many kinds of syndromes. In Five Substances Powder with Poria, Zexie (Rhizoma Alismatis), Zhuling (Pol- yporus) and Fuling (Poria) are used to smooth waterway of Sanjiao,because they have sweet,light tastes,many ingredients,and large dosage is used to connect up and down. The original instruction about how to take the medicine is as follows : Smash all the herbs into powder,take proper of it with plain boiled water. For urgent body fluid disorder,take proper of it with rice soup to avoid vomiting due to adverse water. Then the patient should drink warm water more to increase body fluid as origin of sweat. For acute gastroenteritis, vomiting, diarrhea, thirty, Zhang Zhong-jing adopts Five Substances Powder with Poria. For syndrome of Sanjiao wa- ter retention in Essentials from the Golden Cabinet, Zhang Zhong-jing adopts Five Substances Powder with Poria, or Five Substances Powder With Poria plus Yinchen (Herba Artemisiae Scopariae). These uses grasp the eommunality of pathogenesis and disorders of the body fluid distribution and symptoms including thirty and dysuria of syndrome of Five Substances Powder with Poria, which provides reference for applications of Wulingsan for later generations.
作者 刁人政
机构地区 江苏省中医院
出处 《河南中医》 2017年第6期931-932,共2页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 五苓散证 津液 烦渴 小便不利 《伤寒论》 张仲景 syndrome of Five Substances Powder With Poria body fluid morbid thirst dysuria Treatise on Cold Damage Disea- ses Zhang Zhang-jing
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