目的观察有创动脉血压监测系统管路末端连接气泡过滤器以及经气泡过滤器进行动脉血回抽对血压数据精确性的影响。方法 60例行重大手术需行有创动脉血压监测患者,桡动脉穿刺成功后连接三通,三通分别连接A、B两套压力传感器(A、B组),A组(n=60)不连接气泡过滤器而直接连接压力传感器,B组(n=60)连接1个气泡过滤器再连接压力传感器。两套传感器连接同一部多功能监测仪监测血压;60例患者分别使用4个不同牌子的多功能监测仪[Eagle3000(10例)、Dash4000(10例)、Mindray BeneView T6(20例)、BLT AnyView A6(20例)]监测血压。B组中,有30例连接驼人牌气泡过滤器(驼人B组),30例连接灵洋牌气泡过滤器(灵洋B组)。观察A、B组在下列各时点使用不同的监测仪、不同的气泡过滤器、是否使用肝素等条件下监测到的血压数据:穿刺后第1次血压(T_1)、最高血压(T_2)、最低血压(T_3)、平稳血压(T_4)、手术结束前0.5 h血压(T_5)。T_5后每5 min经空气过滤器回抽动脉血并快速冲洗直至管路无血液,共操作5次(t_1、t_2、t_3、t_4、t_5时点),记录A、B组不同换能器显示的血压数据。结果使用不同的监测仪、不同气泡过滤器、是否使用肝素对A、B两套压力传感器监测的血压数值均没有影响(P>0.05)。驼人B组t5SBP值及t_4、t_5DBP值均有高于灵洋B组(P<0.05),而其他时间点两组SBP及DBP比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论连接1个气泡过滤器对动脉血压数据的精确性无影响,但经过气泡过滤器回抽动脉血后会堵塞过滤器,可能对动脉血压数据的精确性有一定影响。
Objective To observe the effect of terminal duct of the invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring system connecting bubble filter and arterial blood extraction via bubble filter on the accuracy of blood pressure. Methods Sixty patients who needed the invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring during the major surgery were enrolled. T-junction was applied to two sets of pressure transducer A and B( Group A and Group B),respectively,after a successful radial artery puncture. Direct connection of pressure transducer,without bubble filter,was conducted in Group A( n = 60),while connection of pressure transducer was performed after one-bubble-filter connection in Group B( n = 60). The two sets of transducer were connected to the same multifunction monitor for blood pressure monitoring. Multifunction monitors of four various brands,Eagle3000( n = 10),Dash4000( n = 10),Mindray Bene View T6( n = 20) and BLT Any View A6( n = 20),were separately used in the sixty patients. In Group B,LVREN bubble filter was used in 30 cases( LVREN B group) and LINGYANG bubble filter in the other 30 cases( LINGYANG B group). The values of blood pressure on the conditions of different monitors,different bubble filters and heparin usage were observed at the following time points: the first blood pressure after puncture( T1),the highest blood pressure( T2),the lowest blood pressure( T3),the stable blood pressure( T4),and the blood pressure at half an hour before the end of surgery( T5). After T5,arterial blood extraction via air filter was conducted every 5 minutes and rapid irrigation was performed until no blood in the duct,and this procedure was repeated 5 times( T1,T2,T3,T4 and T5). The values of blood pressure presented by different transducers in Group A and Group B were recorded. Results Different monitors,different bubble filters or heparin usage had no significant impacts on the value of blood pressure obtained by using the two sets of pressure transducer( transducer A
Guangxi Medical Journal
Invasive arterial blood pressure
Bubble filter
Arterial blood extraction