To study the effects of light intensity on the physiological feature of Pinus yunnanensis var. seedlings, 1 - month-old and 1 - year-old seedlings were planted under different light conditions ( 100% , 50.3% ,15.0% ,4.2% natue sunsine) . A n d their physiological indexes were tested such as the contents of chlorophyll, soluble protein, and antioxidant e n z y m e activities of S O D and so o n. T h e results showed that with the gradual decrease of light intensity, the chlorophyll- a , chlorophyll-b and total chlorophyll c o n-tents of 1 - month-old seedlings increased initially and then decreased. T h e content of soluble protein reached the maximum at 50. 3 % natue sunsine (NS ). T h e S O D activity, C A T activity, A P X activity and MDA content increased with the decrease of light intensity, and reached the m a x i m u m at 15. 0 % N S . T h e chlorophyll- a , chlorophyll-b and total chlorophyll contents of 1- year-old seedlings gradually increased with the decrease of light intensity, while the soluble protein content decreased gradually. T h e S O D activity in-creased firstly and then decreased, which was the highest under the treatment of 15.0 % N S . T h e C A T ac-tivity, APX activity and MDA content increased with the decrease of light intensity, and the m a x i m u m val-ues were presented at 15. 0 % NS . T h e POD activity of the both seedlings was the highest at 50. 3 % N S . In conclusion,50. 3% NS was beneficial to the increase of physiological metabolic activity of Pinus yurt- nanensis var. seedlings. At this time, the contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein were higher in 1 - month-old and 1- year-old seedlings, and the content of MDA , antioxidant e n z y m e activities of S O D , C A T and so on remained low. Therefore,moderate shade is needed for Pinus yunnanensis var. at juvenility period.
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
Pinus yunnanensis var.
illumination environment
soluble protein
antioxidant enzyme
physiological response