目的:脑瘫青少年下肢的柔韧性差,导致其步态出现异常,拟通过下肢柔韧性训练改善脑瘫青少年的异常步态。方法:选取5名脑瘫青少年作为干预对象,以1名正常青少年作为参考对象,对5名脑瘫青少年进行12周的下肢分关节柔韧性训练,采用三维录像解析和足底压力分布测试以对比脑瘫青少年柔韧性训练前、后的测试数据。结果:脑瘫青少年重患侧下肢训练后的摆动期、单支撑期与训练前均具有显著性差异(P<0.05),与正常青少年无显著性差异(P>0.05);训练前重患侧下肢膝角—大腿角、膝角—小腿角在形状上与正常青少年相差很大,在训练后均朝着正常青少年的角—角图形状靠近;训练前重患侧下肢足底7个分区压强雷达图形状与正常青少年相差很大,在训练后与正常青少年的雷达图相近似,且Kendall’s W协同系数经训练后得到较大提高。结论:对髋、膝关节的柔韧性训练可提高脑瘫青少年重患侧下肢摆动的协调性,对踝关节的柔韧性训练可促进重患侧下肢足底压力分布的合理性,分关节柔韧性训练可提高整个步态的稳定性和连续性。
Objective Because less flexible lower limbs of cerebral palsy adolescents lead to the gait abnormalities ,the flexibility of lower limbs of cerebral pal-sy adolescents was trained to improve abnormal gait. Methods : Five adolescents with cerebral palsy were selected as intervention with 1 normal adolescent asreference, and the flexibility of lower limb joint of 5 adolescents with cerebral palsy were trained for 12 weeks. The data before training and after the abovetests were compared by 3-D video analyzing and plantar pressure distribution test. Results : The phases of single supporting and swing of more injured lowerlimb of cerebral palsy adolescents have significant difference (p〈O.OS)between after training and before, and there was no significant difference (p〉0.05) =be-tween cerebral palsy adolescents after training and normal adolescents ; the shapes of knee angle- thigh angle and knee angle- leg angle of cerebral palsy ado-lescents before training were not like them of the normal adolescent, and were more alike after training. The radar map of seven- partition of plantar pressure ofmore injured side before training were not like them of normal adolescent, and were more alike after training, and Kendall' s W coordination coefficients wereelevated obviously after training. Conclusions : The coordination of gait of cerebral palsy adolescents was improved by training the flexibility of the hip and kneeof more injured lower limb oscillation,the rationality of the plantar pressure distribution was improved by training flexibility of the ankle ,and the whole gait sta-bility and continuity was improved by training flexibility of the joints of the whole more injured lower limb.
Journal of Tianjin University of Sport