

Observability of Second-order Multi-agent Systems
摘要 主要研究了二阶多智能体系统在无向图下的能观性。在领导者-跟随者系统框架下,定义了二阶多智能体系统的动态方程。其次,利用图论和矩阵理论的研究方法,得出二阶多智能体系统基于特征向量的能观性判定条件。另外,在领导者选定的情况下,二阶多智能体系统的能观性与一阶多智能体系统的能观性等价。最后,通过几个典型的例子对理论结果进行了验证。 This paper investigates the observability of second-order multi-agent systems in the undirected graph.The dy- namic equation of the second-order multi-agent is defined under leader-follower framework.Then,it is concluded that the re- lationship between the observability of the second-order multi-agent and the eigenvector by using the approach of graph theory and matrix.Finally,some example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results in this paper.
出处 《工业控制计算机》 2017年第5期89-91,共3页 Industrial Control Computer
关键词 二阶多智能体系统 能观性 图论 领导者-跟随者框架 observability,second-order multi-agent systems,graph theory,leader-follower framework
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