
浅析我国石化行业发展趋势和应对措施 被引量:3

Developing Trend of China′s Petrochemical Industry and the Countermeasures
摘要 石油化学工业是国民经济的重要支柱产业。近年来我国石化行业发展总体呈现良好态势,市场保持了较高的需求,原油加工量大幅提升,行业增加值逐年上升,产业集中度和技术装备水平明显提高。但就我国石油化工行业的现状来看,仍然面临各种问题,如国内市场竞争激烈且这一趋势将长期存在;存在大量的低效资产;税收监管、成品油质量监管缺位,导致税负不均,市场混乱,"劣币驱逐良币"的问题突出;国际化经营不够完备等。国家要规范国内石化行业市场秩序,营造和维护公平的市场环境;石化行业应及早部署,确保质量升级和环保达标生产;加强总量平衡和结构调整,淘汰落后产能;加快实施走出去战略,积极拓展海外市场;结合信息化推进智能制造;加快石化行业的战略转型和产业升级步伐,加大民营资本、国有资本、国际资本融合,促进新技术、新能源、新材料发展。 Petrochemical industry is one of the important pillar industries of national economy.In recent years, China's petrochemical industry has been developing steadily,relatively high market demand has been maintained, crude oil processing quantity has increased significantly ,the value added of the industry has increased year by year,and the industrial concentration and the technology and equipment level have been improved remarkably.However,China's petrochemical industry is still facing various problems,including the fierce competition in domestic market which will last for a long period of time ,the large number of inefficient assets ,the problems of uneven tax burden ,market confusion and the bad money drives out the good due to lack of tax regulation and oil product quality regulation,and the imperfect internationalized management.The government should regulate the order of domestic petrochemical market and create and maintain a fair market environment.The petrochemical industry should make arrangement in advance to ensure the product quality upgrade and guarantee that the environmental standards are met,strengthen the aggregate balance and structure adjust- ment and eliminate outdated production capacity, speed up the implementation of "going global" strategy and actively expand overseas market,promote intelligent manufacturing in combination with informationization,accelcrate the strategic transformation of petrochemical industry and the pace of industry upgrade ,enhance the integration of private capital,state-owned capital and international capital,and promote the development of new technologies, new energy and new materials.
作者 伊光明
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2017年第4期56-61,共6页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 石油化工 原油加工量 监管缺位 环保达标 总量平衡 产业升级 petrochemical crude oil processing quantity lack of regulation meet environmental standards aggregate balance industry upgrade
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