基于整体便携式气相色谱仪共用开发平台的设计理念,研制出了多功能一体化控制器模块.模块包括控制器、功率驱动组件和信号采集组件,直接嵌入到便携式气相色谱仪中.经试验考核,色谱柱温度波动不高于±0.1℃,60℃/min速率升温波动的RSD低于0.15%,进样口和检测器温度波动不高于±0.1℃,柱压不高于±0.16 KPa.以浓度为1 mg/m3的苯标准样品连续6次自动抽取1 m L样品进样分析,定性和定量重复性偏差RSD分别为0.1%和4.6%(峰高),温湿度试验为0~40℃和95%,振动试验(无运输包装)位移为25.4 mm、加速度为1.5 g,以频率5~200~5 Hz正弦波振动与XYZ轴向振动,试验结果正常.模块应用到3种新型仪器中效果理想,满足现场及野外应用要求,具有通用、坚固、体积小和功耗低等特点.
Based on the design concept of a shared development platform, we developed a multi-functional al l -in-one controller module, consisting of a programmable logical controller ( PLC) , a driver module, and a signal acquisition system. Our module can be integrated directly into portable gas chromatographs ( GC). Through evaluation, it was confirmed that the chromatography temperature fluctuation was ^ ±0. 1 . The fluctuation RSD of 60 Ti/min warming-upwas 〈0. 15% . The temperature fluctuation in the sampler inlet and detector was 矣 ±0. 1 丈 and the RSD of qualitative and quantitative repeated deviation were 0. 1% and 4.6% (peak height) respectively. The temperature and humidity range in which the device works were 0 ?40 丈 and 95 % respectively. The module successfully passed the tests of sine wave and XYZ direction vibration of 25.4 mm displacement, 1.5 g acceleration and 5 -200 -5 Hz frequency. The application of the module to 3 new types of analytical instruments achieved desirable results. The module meets the demand of on-site and field application and features versatility, sturdiness, small volume and low power consumption.
CHEN Lian XIAO Ying LIU Chong-li(Department of Science and Technology Teaching, China University of Political Science andLaw , Beijing 102249 , China)
Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments