Ob je c t iv e: To evaluate th e clinical effects of low mo lecular w eigh t h ep arin (L MWH) combined with flunarizine on the prevention of cerebral infarction (Cl) to patients with the frequency transient ischemic attack (TIA). Methods: A to ta l of 132 p a t ien ts wi th th e frequency TIA were chosen and divided into two g ro u p s , control group (65 cases, application with LMWH) and research group (67 cases, application with LMWH combined with flunarizine) , based on distinct chemotherapies. All patients were received the basic therapy of anti-platelet and lipid regulation. The course of two groups^ patients was two weeks. The indexes of hemorheology and coagulation sys-tem were detected and compared between two groups. Follow-up three months, the recurrence rate of TIA and the occurrence of Cl were recorded and compared between two groups. The occurrences of all kinds of adverse reaction were compared between two groups. Results: C om p ared to co n tro l g ro u p , th e ra te s of overall re sp o n se (O R ) and partial response (PR) were higher (P〈0 . 0 5 ) . T h e p o s t- th e ra p y indexes of whole blood visco sity ( low c u t) , whole blood viscosity (high shear) , plasma viscosity, PT, INR, fibrinogen in two groups were lower significantly than the pre-therapy (P〈0 . 05) ,but th e above p o s t- th e ra p y indexes in re se a rch g ro u p were lower th a n th o se in co n tro l gro up (P 〈0. 05). The recur rence rate of TIA and the occurrence of Cl in research group were lower than those in control group (P 〈0. 05) . The o ccurrences of all k inds of ad v erse re ac tio n were no d iffe ren t b etwe en two g ro u p s. Con c lu -sion: The combination of LMWH and flunar izine can decrease the frequency of TIA and the occurrence of CI.
Zhang L ih o n g L i D i K a n g Y o n g k u n e t al(Department of Neurology, Dalian Central Hospital Affiliated to Dalian Medical University(Dalian 116033)
Shaanxi Medical Journal