城市建成区是城市研究和规划制定过程中的重要基础资料。针对城市建设用地的统计资料(主要体现为"两证一书")和矢量数据获取困难的现状,本文利用面向对象影像分析方法从公开、免费的Landsat 8影像中提取城市建设用地,并提出基于影像对象分类的建成区范围提取新方法。其基本思路是是:首先采用面向对象的影像分析技术,在Landsat 8影像中提取城市建设用地区域;之后对初步提取出的城市建设用地区域,采取二次分割与分类的处理,获取"集中连片"的城市建成区。以沈阳市为例进行了建成区提取的实验,结果表明本文的方法结果准确、处理速度快。
The city built-up area is basic information of urban planning and research. According to the difficulty acquisition of statistic data of the city construction and vector data, the article proposes a new method to extract city built-up area from the Landsat8 imagery, by using object oriented image analysis. Its basic idea is to firstly use the object-oriented image analysis technology to extract city construction land based on the Landsat 8 image. Then it performs a twice-segmentation-and-classification procedure to obtain the concentrated city built-up area. Taking Shenyang city as an example, the result shows that this method is accurate and fast.
Journal of Liaoning Provincial College of Communications