
河北省怀来县宜耕未利用地开发适宜性及生态风险评价 被引量:5

Arable Land Suitability and Ecological Risk Evaluation for Unutilized Land Resources in Huailai County,Hebei Province
摘要 未利用地作为重要的耕地后备资源,研究其开发适宜性及开发生态风险是实现土地可持续利用的重要举措,对保障我国粮食安全、实现经济发展和生态文明建设均具有重要意义。在此背景下,以河北省怀来县为例,利用综合指数法对其他草地、裸地和内陆滩涂等未利用土地进行开发适宜性评价及开发生态风险评价,进而解决开发时序之间的权衡问题。研究表明:(1)其他草地宜耕开发可分为3个等级,呈中部高南北低趋势,主要为三级宜耕其他草地,面积为29 027.84hm^2,占全县其他草地面积的59.75%;(2)裸地宜耕开发可分为2个等级,集中分布在县中北部,主要为二级宜耕裸地,面积为1 994.39hm^2,占全县裸地面积的93.35%;(3)内陆滩涂全部为一级适宜性,面积为7 658.19hm2,分布在县中部官厅水库周围;(4)生态风险区可分为5级,呈两端生态风险高中间生态风险低的格局,主要为高生态风险区,面积为20 975.10hm^2;(5)高生态风险区和中高生态风险区应以生态保护为主,中生态风险区尽量不用作第一开发时序用地,低生态风险区和中低生态风险区可用作首选开发用地。 As an important reserve cultivated land resources, study of unutilized landts development suitability and ecological risk is an important measure to realize sustainable land use, and developing unutilized land is an important action to achieve food security, economic development and ecological civilization. We take Hua- ilai County as a case to study the evaluation on suitability and ecological risk of unutilized land, and then solve the problems of development sequences. The results show that. (1) the arable exploitation suitability of other grassland includes three grades, the most suitability grade is in center of Huailai County and reduces gradually to the north and south sides, and the third grade which is 29 027.84 hm^2 has the largest areas, and accounts for 59.75% of the total area of other grass land; (2) the distribution range of arable exploitation suitability of bare land is small, it is located in north-central county, and the second grade has the largest areas, it is 1 994.39 hm2 and accounts for 93.35% of the total area of bare land; (3) the arable exploitation suitability of inland beach is only one grade, it is 7 658.19 hm^2 and is located in the middle of the county, around the Guanting Reservoir; (4) there are five grades about ecological risk region, the high ecological risk regions are at both ends of Huailai County and low ecological risk regions are in the middle of the county. The largest region is the highest ecological risk region, it is 20 975.10 hm^2 ; (5) ecological protection should be given priority to high ecological risk region and the high-middle ecological risk region; the middle ecological risk region should not be used as the first development land as far as possible; low ecological risk region and middle-low ecological risk region can be used as the preferred development land.
作者 贾启建 何玲
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期83-88,共6页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 河北省国土资源厅"典型地区未利用地调查与多宜性评价及利用对策"(2014995161) 河北农业大学中青年骨干教师境外研修项目
关键词 未利用地 适宜性评价 生态风险评价 怀来县 unutilized land suitability evaluation ecological risk evaluation Huailai County
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