As the special and artiticial micro topograpny, terlelceb Ha j economic and ecological benefits in the Loess Plateau. However, most existing DEMs hardly satisfy the reali- zation of terrace terrain, and partial artificial landform in{ormation is lost. In this paper, we choose terraces in a basin in Ansai County as the case study area, the materials include DEM of Ansai (its scale is 1 : 10 000, resolution is 5 m) and a remotely sensed image with a resolution of 2. 5 m. Based on the improved rapid modeling method for terrace digital elevation model, we adopt the actual ridge-based method to construct the DEM with terraces information (T-DEM) by integrating with high resolution remote sensing image. Using Spatial Analyst Module of ArcGIS and LS-TOOL, topographic features and terrain factors (slope, slope length and LS factor) were extracted from Original DEM and T-DEM, respectively. The results show that: (1) T-DEM reflects terrace terrain accurately and intuitively; (2) in comparison with the Original DEM in sample region, profile features of elevation extracted by T-DEM distribute like a ladder were more consistent with the real topographic features; meanwhile, slope, slope length and LS factor extracted by T-DEM are smaller; more precisely, the average of slope decreased by almost a half and its range increased; the range of slope length reduced obviously and the average of slope decreased; LS is reduced by 90%. In conclusion, terraces play an important role in DEM-based terrain analysis. This research has the significant meaning for evaluating soil erosion.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation