中药药性理论是中医药理论的核心组成部分,归经理论是中药药性理论的重要组成部分,按经选药,可以提高中药用药的准确性和针对性,对指导中医临床组方用药具有重要意义。为研究中药归经在系统发育树的分布,及与科属之间的关联关系,为诠释和评价中药归经提供依据,本文以2 435味中药涉及的3 044种中药物种为研究对象,采用关联规则挖掘和系统发育树构建方法,分析了不同归经中药在生物系统发育树上的分布规律及其关联关系。结果发现,在研究的中药物种的频数分析中,属于植物界的物种中,归入肝经的物种最多为1 151种;属于种子植物门的,归入肝经的物种最多为1 109种;属于单子叶植物纲的,归入肺经的物种最多为110种。在关联规则挖掘的过程中,很多与同一归经关联程度高的规则分布在系统发育树的同一分支中,或者在发育树上的距离非常近,如与肾经关联程度较高的红豆杉属植物;与肝经相关程度较高的为忍冬科、茜草属;与大肠经相关程度较高的为石榴属。结果提示药性和生物的门纲科属等亲缘关系信息具有一定的关联关系,部分亲缘相同或相近生物物种的中药可能会具有某些相同的归经。这为中药新资源的药性预测和评价、中药临床配伍和精准治疗提供了新的评价指标和参考依据。
Herbal nature is a core component of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) , and the theory of meridian tropism is an important part of the theory of TCM. The accuracy and pertinence of TCM can be improved by the medicine selection based on the meridian tropism. In order to find the association relationship and the distribution regularity of TCMs with different meridian tropism in the phylogenetic tree, and provide a basis for the interpretation and evaluation of TCM meridian tropism, 2 435 herbs and related 3 044 species of organisms were screened in this study. Association rules mining method and phylogenetic tree constructing method were used to analyze the association relationship and the distribution regularity of the TCMs with different meridian tropism in the phylogenetic tree. The results showed after the frequency of the species of organisms, it turns out several results. In the species of the viridiplantae, there are at most 1 151 species which are attributed to the liver meridian. In the species of the Streptophyta, there are at most 1 109 species which are attributed to the liver meridian. In the species of the Liliopsida, there are at most 110 species which are attributed to the lung meridian. In the process of association rule mining, we can find that the association rules for the same meridian tropism were distributed at the same branch or nearby branch of the tree. For example, Txues were related with kidney, while the Adoxaceae and Rubia have a close relationship with liver. Moreover, colorectal is related with Punica. These results implied that there is a close relationship between the herbal nature and the affinity relationship. TCMs may have the same meridian tropism with the species of the same or similar affinity. This study provided a new index and reference for prediction and evaluation of the nature, selection and compatibility, clinical application of new TCMs.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
traditional Chinese medicine
meridian tropism
phylogenetic tree
association rules
evaluation of nature