讨论了聚烯烃弹性体(POE)含量、发泡倍数、凝胶含量、电晕值对辐射交联聚乙烯(IXPE)泡棉性能的影响。结果表明:当配方中POE含量增加时,IXPE泡棉拉伸强度和断裂伸长率均有较大程度的提高;当发泡倍数增加时,IXPE泡棉拉伸强度降低,断裂伸长率有所提高,在11.5倍处,两者达到最佳组合;当凝胶含量在40%~50%时,IXPE泡棉获得较高的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率;当IXPE泡棉电晕值在48~52 dyn/cm时,胶带产品的剥离强度较佳。
The effects of POE content, foaming ratio, gel content and corona value on the properties of IXPE foam were discussed. The results show that: when the content of POE increases, the tensile strength and elongation at break of IXPE foam are improved to a great extent; When the foaming ratio increases, the tensile strength of IXPE foam decreases, but the elongation at break increases, and the best combination is achieved at 11.5 times. When the gel content is 40%-50%, IXPE foam has good tensile strength and elongation at break. When the corona value of IXPE foam is 48-52 dyn/cm, the peel strength of adhesive tape is better.
Plastics Science and Technology