介绍了影响平果铝土矿洗矿新水消耗的相关因素 ,并结合实际生产情况提出了加高浓密机溢流堰、间断排矿、改造泥浆泵、洗矿设备等改进措施 ,进行了二次洗矿等有意义的探索 ,有效解决了洗矿新水消耗高的难题 。
The article gives a description of factors which have influence on water consumption of ore washing in Pingguo Bauxite Mine, and proposes some improvement measurements which contribute to solving the problem of high consumption of water during ore washing and saving finite water resources. The measures include heightening overflow weir of thickener, underflow batch discharging, improving slurry pumps and washing equipments. Some significative attempts such as secondary washing are made to improve equipment capacity at the same time reduce water consumption.
Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources