
广西不同林龄硬阔林生态系统碳储量及其分配格局 被引量:8

Carbon storage and allocation in hardwood broad-leaved forests with different stand ages in Guangxi
摘要 在生物量调查的基础上,对广西硬阔林幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林和过熟林5个不同林龄阶段碳储量及其分配特征进行了研究。结果表明:硬阔林生态系统总碳储量表现为过熟林(514.44 t·hm^(-2))>成熟林(439.92 t·hm^(-2))>幼龄林(325.29 t·hm^(-2))>中龄林(315.27 t·hm^(-2))>近熟林(214.64 t·hm^(-2)),不同林龄碳储量分布格局均为土壤层>植被层>凋落物层,地下部分>地上部分;其中植被层为79.12~179.17 t·hm^(-2),占总碳储量的23.09%~43.84%,随林龄的增长不断增加。凋落物层为0.91~2.32 t·hm^(-2),占总碳储量的0.21%~0.76%,随林龄的增长呈"W"型变化趋势。土壤层为120.55~335.27 t·hm^(-2),占总碳储量的56.16%~76.91%,随林龄的增长呈先降后升的变化趋势。植被层碳储量以乔木层最大(72.35~173.07 t·hm^(-2)),占植被层碳储量的28.92%~76.58%,随林龄的增长而增加,其中乔木层碳储量以树干为最大,为44.99~110.87 t·hm^(-2),占植被层碳储量的17.98%~47.77%,随林龄的增长而增加;根、枝、叶所占比例分别为4.46%~11.82%、4.52%~11.90%、1.95%~5.09%,随林龄的增长而增加。 Based on the data of biomass at five different stand ages, i.e., young forest, middleaged forest, pre-mature forest, mature forest and over-mature forest, the carbon storage and distribution patterns of hardwood broad-leaved forests at different ages in Guangxi were studied. The results showed that the total carbon storage of the hardwood broadleaved forest ecosystems presen- ted in the order of over-mature forest (514.44 t ·hm^-2), mature forest (439.92 t ·hm^-2), young forest (325.29 t·hm^-2), middle-aged forest (315.27 t ·hm^-2), and pre-mature forest (214.64 t ·hm^-2). The carbon storage distribution of different stand ages was in the order of soil layer 〉 vegetation layer 〉 litterfall layer, and belowground part 〉 aboveground part. The carbon storage of the vegetation layer ranged from 79.12 to 179.17 t ·hm^-2, which accounted for 23.09%-43.84% of the total carbon storage and increased with stand age. The carbon storage of litterfall ranged from 0.91 to 2.32 t ·hm^-2, which accounted for 0.21%-0.76% of the total carbon storage and showed a "W" type variation with the increasing age. The carbon storage of soil layer ranged from 120.55 to 335.27 t ·hm^-2, which decreased firstly and then increased with the increasing age and accounted for 56.16%-76.91% of the total carbon storage. The maximum carbon storage of vegetation layer was tree layer (ranging from 72.35 to 173.07 t ·hm^-2) , which accounted for 28.92%-76.58% of the tree layer carbon storage and increased with stand age. The maximum carbon storage of the tree layer was trunk (ranging from 44.99 to 110.87 t·hm^-2), which accounted for 17.98%-47.77% of the carbon storage of tree layer and increased with stand age. The proportion of root, branch and leaf accounted for 4.46%- 11.82%, 4.52%- 11.90%, and 1.95%-5.09% respectively, and increased with stand age.
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1465-1472,共8页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0502405) 国家自然科学基金项目(31370485,31370623,31400412) 广西重点研发计划(桂科AB16380255) 广西科技惠民项目(桂科转1599001-6) 广西特聘专家项目资助
关键词 植被碳 土壤碳 林龄 硬阔林 广西 vegetation carbon soil carbon stand age hardwood broadleaved forest Guangxi.
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