随着我国经济的快速发展,城市化水平不断提高,对市政交通的要求也越来越高[1],在有限的地上空间发展逐步转向地下空间的发展已成为城市交通发展的趋势。目前上海地区市政交通中地下空间的施工主要采用盾构掘进法施工,在盾构施工中其结构工作井承载着盾构机械设备安装调试的作用,其结构的安全关系着盾构设备能否按预期实施的关键。我国一般盾构工作井的施工已趋于成熟,而超大盾构(直径大于14 m)实施时间相对较短,其工作井的结构施工也处于技术人员不断探索改进中。
With the fast development of economy in China, the urbanization level is continuously improved,and the requirements of municipal transportation are more and more high. The development of the limited ground space increasingly turning to the development of underground space has become the tendency of urban traffic development. At present, the underground space is constructed mainly by the shield tunneling method in the municipal traffic of Shanghai. The structural working shaft in the shield construction bears the function to install and debug the shield mechanical equipment. Its structural security is the key for the shield equipment whether or not to implement as expected. The construction of the general shield working shaft has been mature, but the implementation time of super-large shield(diameter larger than 14m) is relatively shorter. Its structural construction of working shaft is also in the continuous improvement of technical members.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
semi-reverse construction method
enclosure wall survey
supporting axial force