目的:解决军事医科类《微机原理与接口技术》课程教学中存在的知识点多、内容抽象、学员普遍反映较难理解和掌握等问题,探讨小规模限制性在线课程(small private online course,SPOC)教学应用的可行性。方法:对比分析军事医科类大学本科学员特点和SPOC模式特点,提出基于SPOC模式的军事医科类大学的《微机原理与接口技术》课程的设计思路和实施方法。结果:SPOC模式的应用,使学员灵活地根据自身实际查漏补缺,强化知识点,提高了学习积极性和自主性;实例化教学强化了军事医疗背景;线下分组讨论促进了知识理解和运用。结论:SPOC模式应用于《微机原理与接口技术》课程教学,显著提高了教与学的效果和质量。
Objective To explore the feasibility of applying small private online course (SPOC) in the course of "Microcom- puter Principle and Interface Technology" to solve its problems in complicated knowledge points, abstract contents and difficulty in understanding. Methods The characteristics of the undergraduate students in the military medical university and SPOC mode were analyzed, and then the design and implementation of a SPOC-based "Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology" course were explored in the military medical university. Results By applying the SPOC into the teaching of "Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology" course , the student could find out the forgotten or leaked knowledge and reiterate them to reinforce the memory of those knowledge points, which promoted their self-regulation of learning. Besides, teaching the students with real cases not only increased the learner's enthusiasm but also strengthened the military medical background. The offline group discussion facilitated the students in understanding and application of knowledge. Conclusion Applying SPOC mode into PMIT teaching no doubt improves the effect and quality of teaching and learning. [Chinese Medical Equipment Journal, 2017,38 (5) : 152-155]
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal