总结了欧美等发达国家湿法洗涤技术引入国内后的应用情况和存在的问题,结合我国对催化裂化颗粒物排放的要求,创新性地提出了催化裂化再生烟气颗粒物干法净化的发展方向,即以干法袋式净化装置为核心的工艺技术,高效净化烟气中的颗粒物,使其排放质量浓度小于10 mg/m^3,满足当前及今后日益提升的环保排放标准要求。
The paper summarizes the application and problems existed in wet scrubbing technologies introduced from Europe and America to China. Combined with the FCC particles emission requirements in China, the development direction of dry particulate removal technology is recommended innovatively, in which the dry bag filter technology is focused on and the par- ticulate matters in flue gas is purified effectively, making the discharge concentration less than 10 mg/m3 , to meet current and future emission standard demands.
Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection