为探究移栽期对贵烟5号叶片主要生长特征的影响,设置4个移栽期处理对贵烟5号叶片出叶速度、干物质及氮素积累进行研究。结果表明:试验中所有处理的出叶速度、干物质积累速率、氮素积累速率在整个生长过程中均表现出先增后减的趋势;随着移栽期的推后,生长过程中平均出叶速度表现为T2>T3>T4>T1,70 d时叶片数T2为33.4片/株,较其它处理多0.2片/株~1.0片/株;平均干物质积累速率表现为T2>T3>T1>T4,70 d时T2为176.4 g/株,较其它处理多4.9 g/株~18.3 g/株;氮素平均积累速率为T2>T3>T4>T1,70 d时,T2为2 554.13 mg/株,较其它处理高65.89 mg/株~240.37 mg/株。综上所述,叶片主要生长特征T2表现较优,T3次之,T1、T4表现较差,因此,从有利于叶片生长的角度看,建议贵烟5号在贵阳的移栽期为4月15日~4月20日。
To explore the effects of transplanting time on the main leaf growth characteristics of the flue - cured tobacco Guiyan 5, four transplanting stage treatments on Guiyan 5 were set up to study the leaf emer- gence speed and the accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen. The results showed that the leaf emergence speed, dry matter accumulation rate and nitrogen accumulation rate in the whole growth process expressed the trend of increasing initially and decreasing later. As the transplanting stage gradually moved later, the aver- age leaf emergence speed was T2 〉 T'3 〉 T4 〉 T1, with 70 d leaf number of T2 as 33.4/plant, which was 0.2 - 1.0/plant more than other treatments. Average dry matter accumulation rate was T2 〉 T3 〉 T1 〉 T4, with 70 d dry material of T2 as 176.4 g/plant, which was 4.9 - 18.3 g/plant more than other treat- ments. Average nitrogen accumulation rate was T2 〉 T3 〉 T4 〉 T1, with 70 d nitrogen accumulation of T2 as 2554.13 mg/plant, which was 65.89 - 240.37 mg/plant more than other treatments. To sum up, the performance of the main leaf growth characteristics of T2 is optimal, following in the order of T3, T1, and T4. In order to achieve optimal leaf growth, it is suggested that the transplanting time for Guiyan 5 is 15 20 April in Guiyang.
Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
Guiyan 5
transplanting time
growth characteristics