移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)是一种高效的生物脱氮工艺,包括泥膜复合与纯膜两种应用形式。通过在青岛市某污水处理厂进行中试,比较了泥膜复合工艺和纯膜工艺的处理性能,分析了两种工艺的处理特性及适用性。在相同的试验条件下,泥膜复合系统对颗粒有机物的降解优势更大;在硝化方面,泥膜复合工艺的容积负荷均值为0.121 kg/(m^3·d),纯膜系统则可以达到0.241 kg/(m^3·d),而且其最终的出水氨氮浓度要低于泥膜复合系统;泥膜复合系统的反硝化容积负荷可以达到0.149 kg/(m^3·d),纯膜系统则为0.233 kg/(m^3·d),但是由于纯膜系统对进水中的有机物利用不充分,所以最终的出水TN浓度较高,如要保证出水TN达标,则需要更多的外加碳源。纯膜系统的高容积负荷有利于缩短水力停留时间,节约占地,降低基建费用,更适用于建设用地紧张或升级改造无新建构筑物条件的污水厂。
Moving bed biofilm reactor which has two application forms including int (MBBR) is an efficient biological nitrogen removal process, egrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) and biofilm reactor (BR). Between two forms of MBBR process, pollutants removal efficiency, technological characteristics and adaptability were compared in a sewage treatment plant in Qingdao. Experimental results showed that IFAS could remove more COD than BR by the advantage of utilization of organic particle under the same test conditions. The mean volumetric loading of NH4 - N of BR [0.241 kg/(m^3·d) ] was higher than IFAS[0. 121 kg/(m^3·d) ]. Meanwhile, the NH4 -N concentration in effluent of BR was lower. The mean volumetric loading of TN of BR [0. 233 kg/(m^3·d) ] was also higher than IFAS[0. 149 kg/ ( m^3·d) ]. However, the effluent TN of BR was higher, because BR was insufficient in utilization of organic particle source. In order to ensure the stability of water quality in effluent, BR need more added or- ganic carbon for denitrification. BR, with high volumetric loading, has advantages in shortening HRT, saving construction costs and land occupation, which is fit for old plant transformation and new plant construction without enough land.
China Water & Wastewater