

Identity Anxiety and Identity Recognition——On Notes from Underground
摘要 《地下室手记》包含了相当丰富而现代的思想内涵,从身份焦虑和身份认同角度,可以从另一新的角度揭示这部小说所蕴含的现代意义或当代意义。身份焦虑是指人的内心所潜藏的对自己身份的一种担忧或焦虑;身份认同主要指追求与他人相似(有哪些共同之处)或与他人相异(有哪些区别)。小说中的无名主人公因自幼父母双亡寄居远亲家里即有强烈的身份缺失和身份焦虑感,在学校同学们的嘲笑和冷淡进一步加重了其身份的焦虑感。小说更通过三件具体的事件,生动深刻地写出了主人公强烈的身份焦虑及突出的身份认同困境:第一件事是与一位军官的较量,主要表现身份焦虑;第二件事是参加同学送别宴会,主要表现身份认同;第三件事是与妓女丽莎的交往,主要表现保持身份的困境。经历了这三次事件后,主人公只有与世隔绝,躲进地下室中,最终成了人们口中所说的那种典型的矛盾体,永远无法摆脱身份焦虑更无法找到身份认同,连自己是怎样的人都无法搞清。这样,作家就超前地表现了现代人才有的那种身份焦虑与身份认同的困境,使作品独具现代性甚至当代性。 From the viewpoint of identity anxiety and identity recognition, the modern or contemporary significance abundant in Notes from Underground can be revealed. Identity anxiety refers to a kind of anxiousness about one's own identity hidden in the heart. Identity recognition mainly means pursuing either similarities or differences with others. The anonymous hero in this novel has a strong sense of identity loss and anxiety from his miserable childhood when living with his distant relatives after his parents' death. The ridicule and indifference from schoolmates further aggravate such anxiety. Three events mentioned in the novel have deeply clarified the intense identity anxiety and the dilemma of identity recognition. The first event is the battle with an officer, mainly concerning the identity anxiety. The second one is the participation of a farewell party to embody identity recognition. The third is the association with a prostitute named Lisa which arouses the dilemma of maintaining the identity. After these events, the hero chooses to seclude from the world and hide himself in the basement, which eventually makes him become what people often call the typical paradox. He can never get rid of the anxiety from identity recognition, let alone find who he himself is. Thus, the author succeeds in presenting the dilemma of identity anxiety and recognition possessed by modern people in an advanced way and enables the novel to convey the sense of modernity and even contemporaneity.
作者 曾思艺
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2017年第2期24-33,共10页 Russian Literature & Arts
关键词 身份 身份焦虑 身份认同 地下室手记 identity identity anxiety identity recognition Notes from Underground
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  • 7Franz Kafka, The Burrow, in Metamorphosis and Other Stories. trans. Willa and Edwin Muir, Penguin Books, 1961. p. 136. 被引量:1
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  • 10Franz Kafka, The Burrow, in Metamorphosis and Other Stories. trans. Willa and Edwin Muir, Penguin Books, 1961. p. 161. 被引量:1








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