在南淝河水质监测数据的基础上,通过聚类分析,对其主要水环境污染物的空间分布特征进行了剖析,然后采用因子分析法提取影响因子,鉴别污染源并采用绝对主成分多元线性回归分析法计算各影响因子的污染贡献率。结果表明,南淝河整体污染较为严重,通过聚类分析可将南淝河大致分为A、B、C 3类,其中,A类83.32%的污染来源于点源营养物质和点源有机物;B类70.16%来源于点源营养物质和点源有机物;C类71.63%的污染来源于农业面源的农业营养物质和生物化学的影响。
Based on the survey data of Nanfei River and cluster analysis,the spatial distribution characteristics of the main water pollutants were analyzed,and then,factor analysis method was used to extract factors to identify pollution sources and the absolute principal component analysis method to determine the impact of various factors on the contribution rate index of multivariate linear regression. The results showed that the Nanfei River pollution was very serious, the surface water can be divided into A, B, C three kinds by clustering analysis, among which 83.32% source of pollution of A was from point organic complex and nutrients ; while 70.16% source of pollution of B was from point organic complex and nutrients; while 71.63% of C constitute of agricultural nutrients and biological effects of chemistry from the agricultural non-point source.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences