目的:了解我国城市流动人口和城市公共服务现状及其影响因素,为流动人口公共服务管理提供参考。方法:采用Multi-nominal Logistic回归分析方法,对2014年国家卫计委全国流动人口动态监测数据进行分析。结果:62.87%在流入地建立健康档案的流动人口拟长期居住,63.44%获得流入地城镇基本医疗保险的流动人口拟长期居住,63.54%获得流入地城镇养老保险的流动人口拟长期居住。在流入地建立健康档案的流动人口拟长期居住是不准备长期居住者的1.26倍;获得流入地城镇基本医疗保险的流动人口拟长期居住的可能性是不准备长期居住者的1.27倍;获得流入地城镇基本养老保险的流动人口拟长期居住的可能性是不拟长期居住的1.51倍。结论:在流入地获得公共服务和较高收入的城市流动人口更倾向于在本地长期居住。
Objective : To understand the present status of national wide urban migrants and public service and the influencing factors, so as to provide reference for the public service management of migrants. Methods: Multi-nominal Logistic regression analysis method was used to analyze the dynamic monitoring data of the national internal migrant of National Health and Family Planning Commission in 2014. Results: 62.87% of the migrants who have established the health records intended to live for a long time. 63.44% who have obtained urban basic medical insurance intended to live for a long time. 63.54% who have obtained the urban endowment insurance intended to live for a long time. The migrants with establishment of the health records who intended to live for a long time were 1.26 times of who did not intend to live long. The migrants with access to urban basic health insurance who intended to live a long time were 1.27 times of who did not intend to live long. The migrants with access to urban endowment insurance who intended to live a long time were 1.51 times of who did not intend to live long. Conclusion: The urban migrants who have high average family incomes and public service are more likely to live for a long time in local.
Medicine and Society