Merging parties may achieve scale economies and scope economies, and reduce the transaction cost as a result of the horizontal merger, but the merger may also create eliminative or restrictive impact on competition. Oliver Williamson first proposed a welfare tradeoff model of efficiency benefits and the enhancement of market dominant position in 1968. According to the Horizontal Merger Guidelines issued by U. S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission in 2010, the agencies credit only those cognizable and merger-specific efficiencies, and vague and speculative efficiency effects will not be considered. Guidelines on the Assessment of Horizontal Mergers issued by the European Commission in 2004 stated that the Commission would only take account of efficiency claims which have to benefit consumers, be merger-specific and be verifiable. Although the competition agencies from the US and European jurisdictions consider the efficiency impact in the merger review gradually, there is almost no case where the successful efficiency defense reverses the decision of blocking an anticompetitive transaction. Therefore, Chinese competition authorities should realize the importance and necessity of efficiency analysis in the anti-monopoly review. The efficiency should be justified under social total welfare criteria, and the appropriate economic approach to analyze efficiency effects must be explored.
Research on Economics and Management
horizontal merger
anti-monopoly review
efficiency tradeoff