依托江苏省扬州市小纪镇水生蔬菜基地,设置4个处理:茭白(Zizania latifolia)单作人工湿地,不施肥(DF0);茭白单作人工湿地,当地农民习惯施肥量(DFC);茭鸭共作人工湿地,当地农民习惯施肥量(GFC);茭鸭共作人工湿地,50%当地农民习惯施肥量(GF50%C)。试验用水为试验地附近养鱼池塘水,分析各处理茭白田面水TN和TP以及土壤有机质和速效养分动态变化。结果表明:灌溉养殖池塘富营养化水7 d后DF0处理田面水TN和TP浓度平均降至峰值的21.27%和15.58%;施肥7 d后各施肥处理田面水TN和TP浓度平均降至峰值的8.21%和6.51%;减量施肥后,GF50%C处理田面水TN和TP去除率分别为82.81%和84.25%,与DF0处理之间无显著差异;减量施肥后,与DFC处理相比,GF50%C处理在维持茭白产量和经济效益的同时,可提高土壤有机质和土壤速效养分含量。就各茭鸭共作人工湿地处理而言,茭白整个生长期用养殖池塘富营养化水按约4 500 m^3·hm^(-2)进行灌溉,其输入的氮、磷量相当于83.55 kg尿素和46.50 kg过磷酸钙。可见,茭鸭共作人工湿地在消纳养殖池塘富营养化水体方面有较大潜力,在适当降低施肥量的前提下,可有效去除富营养化水体中氮、磷含量,提高土壤质量和经济效益。
A field experiment consisting of four treatments: Treatment DF0(artificial wetland with monoculture of wild rice stem or Zizania latifolia without fertilization),Treatment DFC(artificial wetland with monoculture of wild rice stem with conventional fertilization),Treatment GFC(artificial wetland with wild rice stem-duck symbiosis and conventional fertilization),and Treatment GF50%C(artificial wetland with wild rice stem-duck symbiosis and 50% of the conventional fertilization),was laid out and carried out at the Aquatic Vegetable Production Base in Xiaoji Town of Yangzhou,Jiangsu Province. The water used in the experiment was diverted from fish ponds near the test area. Dynamics of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the surface water and organic matter and available nutrients in the soil of the treatments were analyzed.Results show that in Treatment DF0,seven days after the eutrophied water was diverted from the fish ponds,the concentration of total nitrogen and total phosphorus fell to 21. 27% and 15. 58% of the peak value,respectively. For treatments with normal fertilizeration( DFC),seven days after fertilization the concentration of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in surface water fell down to 8. 21% and 6. 51% of their peak value,respectively. In Treatment GF50%C,about 82. 81% and84. 25%,respectively,of the N and P in the eutrophic water was removed,and there was no significant difference found between Treatment GF50%Cand Treatment DFCin N and P removal rate. Compared with Treatment DFC,Treatment GF50%C not only maintained the yield of wild rice stem and the economic benefits of the system at the same level,but also improved the contents of soil organic matter and available nutrients. In Treatment GFCand Treatment GF50%Cabout 4 500 m3·hm-2of eutrophied water from the fish ponds were used to sustain growth of wild rice stem,containing N and P,equal to 83. 55 kg urea and 46. 50 kg superphosphate. Consequently,Treatment GF50%Ccan not only purify the eutrophied water effectivelyby removing N and P throug
Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
Zizania latifolia-duck symbiotic farming
artificial wetland
eutrophied water
soil nutrient
economic benefit