目的探讨锁骨远端锁定钢板治疗Rockwood III型胸锁关节损伤的临床疗效。方法该院自2012年12月—2015年12月采用对侧锁骨远端锁定钢板治疗Rockwood III型胸锁关节损伤患者22例,其中男15例,女7例;年龄23~55岁,平均年龄40.3岁;12例合并肋骨骨折,1例合并对侧锁骨骨折;其中前脱位20例,后脱位2例。受伤原因:交通意外11例,坠落伤8例,砸压伤3例。术后采用Rockwood评分法标准评定疗效。结果该组患者术后无1例患者发生血管及神经损伤,术口均1期愈合。术后X线片及CT扫描示胸锁关节复位满意;术后均获得6~18个月(平均14.81个月)的复查随访。该研究末次随访时,该组病例总分为9~15分,平均13.54分,其中优16例,良4例,一般2例,优良率为90.91%。无1例患者发生胸锁关节再脱位、内固定松动或断裂等现象。结论采用对侧锁骨远端锁定钢板治疗Rockwood III型胸锁关节损伤固定可靠,疗效满意。
Objective To d iscu ss th e c l in ic a l cu ra tive effect of c lav ic le d is ta l locking p la te in tre a tm en t of s te rn o c lav icu la r joint injury. Methods 22 cases of p a t ien ts with Rockwood III s te rn o c lav icu la r jo in t in ju ry tre a ted with c lav ic le d is ta l locking plate in our hospi tal from December 2012 to December 2015 were selected including 15 males and 7 females, and the age was between 23 and 55, and the average age was 40.3, and there were 12 cases with f racture of rib, 1 case with contralater -al clavicular midpiece f racture, 20 cases with anter ior dislocat ion and 2 cases with backward dislocat ion, and the injury causes were traffic accidents with 11 cases , falling injury with 8 cases and tamp injury with 3 cases , and the curative effect was evaluated by the Rockwood score s tandard af ter operat ion. Results V es se l and n erv e in ju ry was in 0 c a se and th e p o s t-operat ive X ray slice and CT scanning showed that the s ternoclavicular joint was satisfactory, and al l pat ients were reviewed and followed up for 6 months to 18 months(the average month was 14.81), and the las t fol low-up showed that the total score in this group was 9 to 15 scores, and the average score was 13.54 points, and 16 cases were excellent, 4 cases were good, 2 cases were fair, and the excel lent and good rate was 90.91%, redislocation of s ternoclavicular jointInternal fixation loosening or f racture occurred to 0 case. Conclusion The fixation of c lav ic le d is ta l locking p la te in tre a tm en t of Rockwood I I Is tern- oclavicular joint injury is rel iable, and the curative effect is satisfactory.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Dislocation of s te rn o c lav icu la r jo in t
Locked p lat ing
In te rn a l fixatio