Most of the current water inflow forecast method based on accumulation has built tunnel water inflow observation data to predict, need accurate a priori knowledge, predicted results is unreliable. The new water con-sumption forecast improvement methods in the construction of highway tunnel was put forward, and analyzed the process of highway tunnel water gushing, according to research of highway tunnel, based on the construction of highway tunnel regional hydrogeological conditions. The construction of tunnel excavation in front of the steady flow model, on the basis of borehole data and spring discharge detection for the construction of the model, the prediction of water inflow was applied. The steady flow model of unsteady flow as the simulation of highway tunnel excavation initial conditions, the water inflow in the process of highway tunnel excavation simulation was finished. The maxi-mum water inflow of highway tunnel, the normal water inflow and water process curve were obtained. Using the vari-ational finite element method to solve the above model, permeability coefficient and the radius of influence are de-termined. And the construction of highway tunnel water inflow is calculated forecasts. The experimental results show that the proposed method has high prediction accuracy.
Science Technology and Engineering
road tunnel water inflow to predict