Aim To determinate the rutin content from gastrointestinal tissues of rats in vivo and in vitro by HPLC, and study the regularity of distribution and transformation of rutin in vivo and in vitru. Methods Rats were divided into two groups, in vivo and in vitro. The group in vivo were filled the stomach to extract rutin, another group were delivered drug by simulating the environment in vivo after gather the tissues. Then extract tissue fluid and determinate the rutin content in stomach, large intestine and small intestine by HPLC. Results The average distribution of rutin content in rats in vivo: small intestine 〉large intestine 〉stomach, and the average distribution of rutin content in vitro: stomach〉large intestine〉small intestine. To compare the in vitro and in vitro, differences in the average distribution of rutin content in the small intestine is the largest. Conclusion The rat stomach, large intestine, small intestine have absorbed on rutin. Among them, differences in the average distribution of rutin content in the small intestine is the largest. Srnall intestine could be main parts of the absorption and transformation of rutin.
Guangdong Chemical Industry