
不同类型地膜的谷地杂草防除效果和土壤水温效应研究 被引量:3

Effect of Plastic Mulch Types on Weeds Control and Soil Moisture and Temperature of Foxtail Millet Field
摘要 地膜具有集雨、增温和防治杂草的效果,利用地膜覆盖可大幅度提高旱地农田的产出。为了给谷子生产上合理选择地膜类型提供技术指导,选取7种不同厚度、颜色、降解特点的地膜(厚型普通白膜、普通白膜、普通黑膜、降解白膜A类、降解白膜B类、降解白膜c类和降解黑膜)进行谷子覆膜栽培,研究了不同类型地膜对谷子产量、杂草防除效果和0~5 cm土壤水温效应的影响,并目测了地膜的降解情况。结果表明:地膜类型对谷子产量和膜下杂草干重均有极显著的影响,产量顺序为普通白膜>厚型普通白膜>降解白膜B类>普通黑膜>降解白膜C类>降解白膜A类>降解黑膜,其中,普通白膜处理与其他处理差异达到了极显著水平;膜下杂草干重顺序为普通黑膜<厚型普通白膜<降解黑膜<普通白膜<降解白膜C类<降解白膜A类<降解白膜B类,其中,普通黑膜处理仅与厚型普通白膜处理差异为显著水平,而与其他处理差异均达到了极显著水平。不同地膜处理的覆膜早期与后期的膜下土壤水温效应有所差异,地膜类型对覆膜早期的土壤温度和电导率有极显著影响,而对含水量影响不大;对覆膜后期的土壤含水量和电导率有极显著影响,而对土壤温度影响不大。相关分析结果显示,谷子产量仅与覆膜早期的土壤含水量呈显著正相关。4种降解膜中,生物降解膜(降解白膜A类)的降解率最高,其他降解膜的降解效果均不明显。普通白膜覆盖对谷子高产效果最好,普通黑膜覆盖对防控谷田杂草效果最好,生物降解膜(降解白膜A类)的降解效果最好。 Plastic mulch has a certain function to save water,preserve heat and control weeds,as well as yield-increasing.In order to provide technical guidance for reasonable selection of film types in foxtail millet production,seven of plastic mulch types with different thickness,color and degradation characteristics(included thick white mulch,white mulch,black mulch,degradable white mulch A-C sorts and degradable black mulch) were covered on foxtail millet field.Yield of foxtail millet and amount of weeds under film were measured.Water content,temperature and conductivity of soil(0-5 cm) under film were measured,and degradation of plastic film was visually estimated.The results showed that plasticmulch types significantly affected yield of foxtail millet and dry matter of weeds under plastic mulch,rank by yield of millet was white mulch 〉thick white mulch〉 degradable white mulch B sort black mulch 〉degradable white mulch C sort〉 degradable white mulch A sort〉degradable black mulch.The yield of white mulch had a very significant difference with other treatments.Rank by dry matter of weeds was black mulch〈thick white mulch〈degradable black mulch〈white mulch〈degradable white mulch C sortdegradable white mulch A sortdegradable white mulch B sort.The weeds dry matter of black mulch had a significant difference with thick white mulch,and had a very significant difference with other treatments.The soil water and temperature under different plastic mulch types in early and late mulch period were different.The mulch types had a significant effect on soil temperature and conductance in early mulch period,but had little effect on water content.The mulch types had a significant effect on soil water content and conductance in late mulch period,but had little effect on soil temperature.Correlation analysis showed yield of millet had a significant correlation with soil water content in early mulch period.Bio-degradable mulch(A sort) degraded more quickly among four types,and the degradations of other degra
出处 《河北农业科学》 2017年第1期6-11,14,共7页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303133-1-6) 河北省渤海粮仓科技示范工程项目"杂粮轻简高效生产及综合利用技术研究" 河北省重点研发计划项目(17236405D) 石家庄市重点研发计划项目(171490248A) 河北省农业成果转化资金项目(16826415D) 河北省农林科学院农业科技创新人才队伍建设项目(F17E04)
关键词 地膜类型 谷子 杂草 土壤含水量 土壤温度 Plastic mulch types Foxtail millet Weeds Soil water content Soil temperature
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