以榆树(Ulmus pumila L.)为材料,就岭南盆景截干处理、不同植物激素配方与浓度处理、环剥与植物激素组合处理对岭南盆景发芽的影响以及促芽技术进行了初步试验。结果表明,榆树截干后,在截面以下2~4 cm的部位发芽最多;在截面上采用植物激素处理后能促进愈合组织的形成并发芽,以配方6-BA120 mg/L+KT 120 mg/L+GA3200 mg/L的处理效果最好;环剥+6-BA处理能促进环剥口以下部位的发芽,以500 mg/L的6-BA处理的效果最好。试验结果在岭南盆景的截干蓄枝创作中具有一定的指导意义。
Effects of stump cutting treatment, different plant hormone and concentration treatments, stem girdling with plant hormone treatments on germination of stump and promoting germination technique of Lingnan bonsai were preliminarily studied using Ulmus pumila L. as the research object. The results showed that the positions of most germinations were 2 to 4 cm un-der cutting section. It could promote wound callus regeneration and germination by plant hormone treatment; the best formula was 6-BA 120 mg∕L+KT 120 mg∕L+GA3200 mg∕L. The method of stem girdling with 6-BA treatment could promote germina-tions under positions of girdling, the best 6-BA concentration was 500 mg∕L. The results of research have some significance in creation of Lingnan bonsai with the ′grow and clip′ method.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences