在城市轨道交通系统中,各子系统车地通信模块是完全独立的。独立建网造成城市轨道交通沿线缆线密集,结构复杂,对珍贵的频率资源也造成了极大的浪费。目前车地无线普遍采用基于IEEE 802.11的WLAN(无线局域网)技术,该技术存在频点干扰严重、高速性能瓶颈等重要缺陷。为了解决这些问题,将LTE(长期演进)应用到城市轨道交通的车地无线通信系统是很有必要的。设计了基于LTE的城市轨道交通车地通信综合承载系统(LTE-M),并在武汉地铁进行了LTE-M系统的性能测试。测试结果表明:LTEM系统具有系统稳定、综合承载能力强的特点,不仅能满足CBTC(基于通信的列车自动控制)系统传输要求,同时还具有为PIS(乘客信息系统)和CCTV(闭路电视监控)系统提供良好通道的能力。
Since the module of each communication subsys- tem is completely independent in urban rail transit system, the independent network building causes densely-laid cables along metro rail and complex structure, wasting a large a- mount of precious frequency resources. At present, the technology of WLAN based on IEEES02.11 is widely used in the field of train-ground wireless, which has some major defects like serious frequency interference, high perform- ance bottleneck and so on. To solve these problems, the use of LTE (long term evolution) in urban rail transit wire- less communication system is recommended, an integrated transport service capacity system (LTE-M) for urban rail transit LTE-based LTE is designed, and the performance of the LTE-M system is tested in Wuhan metro. The result shows that the LTE-M system is stable with good integrated service capacity, which can not only satisfy the transmis- sion requirements of CBTC system, but also provide better channels for PIS (passenger information system) and CCTV.
Urban Mass Transit
urban rail transit
train-ground communica-tion
integrated service capacity