目的了解泸州市18岁及以上体检人群中存在的主要慢性病及危险因素,为制定针对性的防控策略提供科学依据。方法利用各区县上报的"四川省基层医疗卫生机构信息系统"健康体检表数据,应用SPSS 17.0软件进行数据的统计分析。结果 18岁及以上居民304 087人中,主要慢性病患病率:(1)既往确诊高血压患病率24.50%,标化率12.42%,女性(标化率12.93%)高于男性(标化率11.92%);(2)确诊糖尿病患病率11.95%,标化率7.38%,女性(标化率7.81%)高于男性(标化率6.96%);随年龄增长,两病患病率均呈上升趋势。主要慢性病相关危险因素流行率:不锻炼率78.5%,吸烟率23.2%,超重率29.9%,肥胖率10.2%。慢病高风险人群检出率81.59%。结论威胁该市人群的主要疾病是以心脑血管病、糖尿病、慢阻肺、癌症为主的4大类慢性病。主要的慢性病相关危险因素为体育锻炼不足、吸烟、超重和肥胖。各年龄组慢性病高风险人群高发或将成为庞大的慢性病患者后备军。遏制慢性病上升的势头关键在于阻止高风险人群发展成患者,唯一有效的防控措施就是对该人群的慢性病相关危险因素进行强有力的干预。
Objective and above in Luzhou To understand main chronic diseases and risk factors of physically examined people aged 18 and provide a scientific basis for developing prevention and control strategies. Methods Data in health examination forms which were submitted into the Information System for Primary Medical and Health Institutions in Sichuan Province were statistically analyzed using SPSS 17.0. Results A total of 304, 087 residents aged 18 and above were surveyed. Prevalence rates of primary chronic diseases were as follows: (~) Hypertension (previously diagnosed ): the crude and standardized prevalence rates were 24. 50% and 12.42%, respectively; the standardized prevalence was higher in females than in males (11.95% vs. 7.38% ). (~)Diabetes: the crude and standardized prevalence rates were 24. 50% and 12. 42% , respectively; the standardized prevalence was higher in females than in males (7.81% vs. 6. 96% ). (~)Prevalence rates of main chronic risk factors: lack of exercise, 78.5% ; smoking, 23.2% ; overweight, 29.9% ; obesity, 10. 2%. The detection rate of high - risk people for chronic diseases was 81.59%. Conclusion The main diseases threatening health of the people in the city include cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes,COPD, include ty. The group is cancer. The main risk factors of chronic diseases lack of exercise, smoking, overweight and obesi- detection rate of high- risk people in each age high. The key to control chronic diseases is to prevent high -risk groups from becoming chronic patients, and the only effective measure is to control related risk factors among the these people.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
chronic disease
risk factors