
黄河沙漠宽谷段水沙变化特征及驱动因素 被引量:9

Features of Runoff and Sediment Variations in Wide-valleyed Desert Reach of Upper Yellow River and Contribution Rate of Driving Factors for the Variations
摘要 根据定位观测、第一次全国水利普查、遥感影像解译的数据,利用MWP、双累计曲线、水土保持分析法、数学模拟等方法,分析了黄河上游水沙变化特征,评估了多元驱动因素对2000—2012年黄河下河沿-头道拐沙漠宽谷段水沙变化的贡献率。结果表明:与20世纪70年代以前的基准期相比,2000年以来径流量、输沙量同步减少,水沙关系也发生变化,单位径流量的输沙量明显减少;沙漠宽谷段径流量减幅沿程不断增加而输沙量减幅沿程变化不大,水沙年内分配较基准期发生倒置,来沙系数不断减小;灌区引水引沙、水土保持措施、水库拦沙、支流来水来沙、水库调蓄及河道冲淤是沙漠宽谷段水沙变化的主要影响因子;经济社会发展用水对沙漠宽谷段径流量减少的作用最大,贡献率为81%,其次是水库蓄泄量,占15%以上;水库拦沙对头道拐输沙量减少的贡献率最大,占41%,其次是支流水土保持措施,贡献率约占13%,入黄风沙减少的贡献率并不大,约为6%,而河道淤积量、灌区引沙量较基准期都是减少的,贡献率分别约为-41%和-8%;近10多年来降雨等自然因素对水沙变化的作用相对不大,起主要作用的是水库运用、水土保持、经济社会发展等人类活动因素。 In recent years, the runoff and sediment in wide-valleyed desert reach of Upper Yellow River has changed significantly, which would bring a great influence on practices of Yellow River harnessing such as river regulation and layout of large-scale hydraulic project. Based on data of runoff and sediment locating observation, the first-ever nationwide water resources survey and remote-sensing imagery interpretation, the features of runoff and sediment variations in the Upper Yellow River were analyzed by MWP, double mass- curve, hydrological method, soil conservation method and mathematical simulation. The contribution rate of driving factors for runoff and sediment variations in wide-valleyed desert reach from Xiaheyan to Toudaoguai during 2000--2012 was estimated. The results showed that: Compared with the standard period of less hu- man activity before the 1970s, since 2000 the runoff and sediment discharge has been less than standard pe- riod, and sediment discharge per unit volume of runoff has decreased obviously due to the variation of water- sediment relationship. The reduction of runoff along the flow increased continuously while the reduction of sediment discharge along the flow showed little change in wide-valleyed desert reach, annual distribution of runoff and sediment were in contrast with that of standard period, and the incoming sediment coefficient de- creased constantly. The main influence factors for runoff and sediment variations in wide-valleyed desert reach are the water and sediment diversion of irrigation district, soil and water conservation measures, sedi- ment detention by reservoirs, incoming water and sediment from tributaries, reservoir regulation and chan- nel scouring and deposition. The water demand of economic and social development contributed the most to reduction of runoff in the wide-valleyed desert reach, whose contribution rate was 81%, and the storage and discharge volume of reservoir was secondary, whose contribution rate was more than 15 %. The sediment detention by reser
出处 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期361-371,共11页 Journal of Desert Research
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2011CB403303) 河南省创新型科技人才队伍建设工程项目(162101510004)
关键词 水沙变化 多元驱动因素 沙漠宽谷河道 黄河 runoff and sediment driving factors wide-valleyed riverbed Yellow River
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