根据国家标准GB44 5 7.1- 84~GB44 5 7.4- 84,利用AutoCAD2 0 0 0这一绘图平台对图幅、线型、文本、尺寸标注等进行恰当的设置 ,创建和使用机械标准模板图 。
In this paper,it is introduced how to make settings for drawing limits,linestyle,text,dimension style and so on. What we do must be in accordance with the national standard of the People's Republic of China which is called 'the Mechanical Drawing'.Furthermore,we can make and use the mechanical standard template.So we can use AutoCAD2000,a drafting platform,to draw the standard mechanical engineering papers which are fit with 'the Mechanical Drawing'.
Journal of University of Jinan(Science and Technology)