Peer effects can be characterized as a commonly seen phenomenon among firms, not only in operational decisions, but also, as many scholars contend, in financial decisions, such as capital structure. Although there are several theories explaining peer effects in firms' decisions, it is tricky to empirically identify the existence of peer effects due to potential endogeneity problems. Using unbalanced panel data of all non-financial Chinese A-share listed firms (listed on Shanghai and Shenzhen market) and within-industry peer firms' compounded yearly stock return shock as instrument, our study, for the first time, empirically presents evidence that peer effects exist in capital structure decision, as well as in the determination of debt maturity. Further investigations show us that firstly, peer effects show asymmetry with respect to peer firms' moves in different directions and scales. More specifically, focal firms would negatively adjust capital structure when peers drop their debt ratio, but would sit back when peers tend to increase borrowing. Also, focal firms response only to peers' minor adjustments and choose to ignore sharp changes; secondly, there are social multiplier effects in the leverage ratio. In other words, small changes at firm level will transfer to peer firms, which eventually end up in fluctuations of multiple scales at industry level; thirdly, the statistically significant correlation in capital structure decision among firms is still robust even if we use another instrument (based on peer firms' business group member firms who operate in different industries) to account for the correlated effects. All these results point to the fact that peer effects, instead of correlat- ed effects, explain the strongly correlated capital structure among firms in each industry. In order to guarantee that our previous find- ings are convincing, we perform robustness tests along three important dimensions, basic empirical setting, construction of instrumental variable and measurement method
Nankai Business Review
Chinese Listed Firms
Capital Structure
Peer Effects
Instrumental Variable