47%氯吡·丙·异可湿性粉剂在水稻旱直播播后苗前、水稻立针至1叶期施用对水稻旱直播田杂草的防除效果及水稻的安全性示范结果表明,47%氯吡·丙·异可湿性粉剂2 100 g/hm^2在旱直播水稻播后苗前喷雾处理、水稻立针至1叶期喷雾处理对水稻旱直播田硬稃稗、千金子、马唐、鸭舌草、耳叶水苋、异型莎草、扁秆藨草等杂草的株防效均高于90%,鲜质量防效均高于95%,且对旱直播水稻安全。
The efficacy and selectivity of halosulfuron-methyl · pretilachlor · isoproturon 47% WP applied before rice emergence or at vertical needle to 1 leaf stage of rice in dry seeded rice fields were investigated through field experiments. Halosulfuron-methyl · pretilachlor · isoproturon 47% WP,applied at 2100 g/hm^2 before rice emergence or at vertical needle to 1 leaf stage of rice,effectively controlled( above 95% based on fresh weight) Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook. f.,Leptochloa chinensis( L.) Nees.,Digitaria sanguinalis( L.) Scop.,Monochoria vaginalis( Burm. f.),Ammannia arenaria H. B. K.,Cyperus difformis L.,and Scirpus planiculmis Fr. Schmidt and it was selective to dry-seeded rice.
Journal of Weed Science