阐述了MTU R060.3H型调速器的功能原理与起动燃油限制原理。分析了MTU R060.3H型调速器的工作过程状态与结构,将故障可能原因进行了细分与逐步排查。测量了调速器的电控信号、增压空气温度感应燃油喷射限制器(LBG)与调速器进油压力信号。模拟试验截止阀的工作状态,找出了导致发动机功率限制故障的原因。
Abstract: This paper expounds the MTU R060.3H governor principle and the principle of starting fuel limit. It analyzed the MTU R060.3H the state of working process and strncture of the governor, to subdivide the possible reasons for failure gradually. It measured the speed of electrical control signal, charged air temperature sensitive fuel limiter (LBG) and governor oil pressure signal. And it simulated and tested the working state of the stop valve, finds out the reasons of resulting in failure of engine power limit.
Internal Combustion Engines