
对社区治安巡逻人员普及院前急救知识及技能的效果研究 被引量:7

Investigation on the effects of pre-hospital first aid knowledge and skills penetrated on the community policing patrolled popularization
摘要 目的探讨社区治安巡逻人员普及院前急救知识及技能的效果,分析社区治安巡逻人员在处理应急突发事件中的自救互助能力,为建立院前知识普及-态度转变-技能改善-健康促进的-体化效果评价体系奠定基础。方法选取新疆乌鲁木齐水磨沟区社区治安巡逻人员600名参加培训及评估。采用调查问卷,在理论培训前后,进行调查分析;操作培训后,考评培训效果以及相关的影响因素。结果治安巡逻人员院前急救知识培训前平均分为(67.0±8.0)分,培训后平均分为(80.5±6.0)分,培训前和培训后男性得分均高于女性,25~34岁者得分均高于35~44岁、45~55岁者,文化程越高,得分越高,接受过院前急救知识培训者得分高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治安巡逻人员院前急救技能培训前平均分为(64.0±9.0)分,院前急救技能培训后平均分为(84.0±7.5)分,培训前和培训后男性得分均高于女性,35~44岁者得分均高于25~34岁、45~55岁者,高中文化程度者得分高,接受过院前急救技能培训者得分高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论水磨沟区社区治安巡逻人员院前急救知识、技能较差,通过系统、正规的院前急救知识及技能的培训,应在公共卫生突发事件中发挥第一目击者的作用,对患者进行有效、及时的院前救护,体现出作为第一目击者的价值,提升社区治安巡逻人员在居民中的信任度、满意度。 To investigate the effects of the pre-hospital first aids knowledge and skills penetrated on the community security patrol staff and the self-aid and mutual-help of,the community policing patrols when dealing with emergencies,thereby paving the way for the evaluation system of popularization of prehospital knowledge-attitude change-skill improvement-health promotion.Methods 600 community security patrol people were recruited from the Xinjiang Urumqi District of Shuimogou personnel 600 to receive the training and evaluation.Using the questionnaire,in theory,investigation and analysis were performed using the questionnaire before and after training;after training,training and related influence factors were evaluated.Results The average score before the pre hospital first-aid training was(67±8.0)whereas the score was(80.5±6.0)after training.,in terms of the score obtained,the score of male was higher than that of female;age between 25 and 34years old was higher than that of 35~44,45~55;the higher the cultural level was,the higher the score will be,the score of people who received pre-hospital first-aid training was shown to be higher than that of those who didn′t receive the corresponding training,the difference was significant(P 0.05).Conclusion Both the knowledge and the first aid skills of the community public securities from Shuimogou district were shown to be poor.as long as through the formal and systemic pre-hospital emergency knowledge and skill training,securities could play the first witness role in public health emergency offering the effective,timely pre-hospital care for the possible patients,therefore embodying the value as the first witness and enhancing the degree of trust and satisfaction of securities patrolling in the community.
作者 刘琴 任凤英 李萍 LIU Qing RENG Fengying LI Ping(Department of Gynecology, Affiliated Tumor Hospital, Xingjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011, China Department of Surgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xingjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830000, China)
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2017年第6期832-835,共4页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
基金 新疆医科大学人文社科基金(2015XYDSK38)
关键词 院前急救 治安巡逻人员 健康促进 培训前后 pre-hospital first aid community public security patrol health promotion before and after the training
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