目的了解郴州市公众对雾霾现象的认知情况,为公众健康教育与健康促进进行干预对策提供参考依据。方法 2015年10~11月对郴州居民采用问卷调查的方式进行雾霾风险认知及应对行为的调查。结果调查330人,问卷回收312份,回收率为94.55%,有效问卷297份,认为造成当前雾霾的主要原因是"汽车尾气"的仅占15.49%,是"工业污染"的占53.54%;认为雾霾对健康危害程度大的占62.29%;居民通过改变饮食(38.72%)、佩戴口罩(31.99%)和每年增加体检次数(29.29%)等一系列行为方式来防止源自雾霾的危害。结论居民对雾霾的成因具有一定的认知度,但仍存在较大偏差。居民对雾霾的不利影响和其对健康的危害程度认知情况较高,普遍表现出较高的防霾积极性。
Objective To understand the awareness on haze among the public in Chenzhou city,so as to provide reference basis for the intervention of public health education and health promotion. Methods During October November 2015,a questionnaire survey was conducted on the cognition and responding behaviors for haze risk among resident in Chenzhou city. Results a total of 330 people were surveyed, 312 questionnaires were recovered, and the recovery rate was 94.55%. 297 valid questionnaires were obtained. The main cause for haze was " automobile exhaust" accounted for 15. 49%, and" industrial pollution" aeeounted for 53.54 % ; that haze had great hazards to health accounted for 62.29 %. Changing the diet (88.72%),wearing a mask (31.99%),an annual increase in the number of physical examination (29. 29%) and other methods can be used for residents to prevent hazards from haze. Conclusion Residents have a certain awareness on the causes of haze,but there is still a large deviation. Residents have high level of cognition on the bad effect of haze and its hazards to health. They generally show higher enthusiasm towards haze prevention.
Preventive Medicine Tribune