
《备急千金要方·消渴第一》中的消渴分类与选方研究 被引量:3

Classification of Diabetes Classification and Charateristic of Prescription Selections of Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency of the First Diabetes
摘要 为了进一步理解《备急千金要方·消渴第一》中对消渴分类和选方特点,本研究逐一比对宋校本与新雕本《备急千金要方·消渴第一》文字,并核查《小品方》、《诸病源候论》、《外台秘要》等善本相关内容,通过分析其医论及方剂的差异,发现两版本消渴分类基本一致,即分为:以渴而小便少为临床表现,病机主要是中焦内热的消渴;以小便多于所饮,虚极短气为临床表现,病机是下焦内热、本虚标实的内消;以茎长兴盛、不交精液自出为临床表现,病机也是下焦内热、本虚标实的强中,只是"此病虽稀,甚可畏也"。另外,消渴临床表现百出,兼证多变,需要仔细鉴别。但其总治则是除热止渴;兼虚者,除热补虚;凡消渴病经百日以上者,不得灸刺。两版本所选方剂内容相同率均值为85.5%,顺序的相同率仅为8%。宋校本医论逻辑更清楚,医论与方剂的结合更加紧密,而新雕本则保留了更贴近唐代《备急千金要方》原貌的线索,文献学研究价值重大。 In order to further understand the diabetes chapter of Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency (IFWATGPFE) of the first diabetes - the classification of diabetes classification and charateristic of prescription selections, we compared the Xindiao edition with the Song proofed edition of the IFWATGPFE word by word, including reliable editions of Xiao Pin Fang, Treatise on the Origins and Manifestations of Various Disease and Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library for reference. By analyzing the difference between the prescriptions and the theories of medicine, we found no obvious differences in the classification of diabetes of two editions of IFWATGPFE, such as Xiaoke, which bears the pathogenesis of building heat within middle - jiao, with the clinical manifestations of drink more but urine less. Neixiao bears the pathogenesis of building inner heat within lower -jiao, with the clinical manifestations of drink more than urine and easy to be tired. Qiangzhong bears the pathogenesis of inner heat accumulated within lower -jiao, with the clinical manifestations of asthenia in origin and asthenia in superficiality. Although Xiaoke posesses diverse clinical manifestations, the general treating rule is the same, which is clearing heat and repair deficiency, in addition, moxibustion and acupuncture is not allowed to anyone 5 % prescriptions existed in both editions of IFWATGPFE, suffered from diabetes for more than one hundred days. 85. while only 8 % prescriptions occupy the same position. On the whole, the theories of medicine of Song proofed edition of IFWATGPFE are more organized, whereas the contents of Xindiao edition are more close to the Original IFWATGPFE of Tang dynasty, which holds more literature research value.
作者 于飞 章红英
出处 《湖北中医药大学学报》 2017年第2期48-53,共6页 Journal of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine
基金 北京市社会科学基金项目(项目编号:15JGB137)
关键词 备急千金要方 孙真人千金方 消渴 分类 选方 糖尿病 Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency Sun Zhenren Qian Jin Fang Xiao Ke classifications prescription selections diabetes
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