我们提倡公众土壤教育的目标不是说教,而是启发.以此为指导思想,美国国家自然历史博物馆组织策划了“挖掘它! 土壤的秘密”大型展览,本次展览从生态系统的视角,以农业生态系统-土壤教育的传统语境视为众多生态系统类型的一种 为背景,通过艺术和文化启发,选取了可以使观众惊喜与想象的展品.展览旨在与广泛年龄层的观众交流,其核心目标受众为 12~14岁.展览涉及当代土壤科学家所关心的全部领域-气候变化、水体富营养化、土壤退化、可持续耕作和其他以尺度来 梳理的内容.观众访谈说明该展览有改变超过200万人对于土壤先入为主之见的潜力.我们十分期待该展览能通过内容丰富的官网继续启发公众对于土壤的认知.
We propose that the primary goal of public soils education should not be to teach, but to inspire. The goal to inspire guided the design of “Dig It! The Secrets of Soil,” a large exhibit in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. The “Dig It!” exhibit was designed from an ecosystem perspective, in which agriculture-the traditional context for soils education-is considered to be just one of many ecosystem types. For visitors inspired primarily by art and culture, there were objects chosen to surprise and expand the imagination about soils. The exhibit was designed to communicate to wide range of ages, centered on 12-14 years old. It also included scale models and actual soil monoliths. The exhibit addressed the full spectrum of issues that concern contemporary soil scientists-climate change, aquatic eutrophication, soil degradation, sustainable farming, and others- by organizing the content according to scale. Interviews with visitors indicated that the exhibit had the potential to effectively alter the preconceived notions of more than 2 million visitors about soils. We fully expect the exhibit to continue inspiring the public about soils through the richness of the exhibit website.
Science Education and Museums
soil education, exhibition, National Museum of Natural History