为了研究定时输精对断奶母猪繁殖性能的影响,将80头断奶母猪分成两组,每组40头,断奶第2天开始查情。试验组断奶母猪断奶24 h后肌注促性腺激素(PMSG),再过72 h肌注促性腺激素释放激素(Gn RH),肌注Gn RH 24 h进行输精1次,过24 h再输精1次;对照组断奶母猪发情就开始输精,过24 h再输精1次(如还发情,第2次输精过24 h后再输精1次);精液剂量都为80 m L(2×10~9个精子细胞)。结果表明,试验组的断奶母猪的发情率、妊娠率、分娩率均高于对照组,试验组断奶母猪的窝产仔数、窝产活仔数与对照组无差异;试验组断奶母猪的发情静立时间与对照组无差异;试验组断奶母猪有3头无发情迹象,但是经过定时输精后有1头成功受精并分娩,产仔数为11头。通过肌注PMSG+Gn RH可提高断奶母猪的发情数、妊娠率和分娩率,但不能提高断奶母猪的窝产仔数、窝产活仔数,减少对隐性发情断奶母猪的漏配率,不影响断奶母猪的静立反应时间。
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) on reproduc- tion performance of weaned sows. A total of 80 weaned multiparous sows was allocated to two groups: FTAI-Swean- ed sows (n=40) received a 1 000 IUPMSG intramuscular injection at 24 h postweaning and a 100 μg GnRH at 96 hour- spostweaning, the first FTAI regardless of estrus expression after 24 h of GnRH and repeated every 24 h. Control-S (n=40) no hormone application and AIs at 0, 24, and 48 h after the onset of estrus if they were still in standing estrus. All the weaned sows were inseminated with the doses of boar sperm (2 × 10^9 sperm cells/80 mL). Compared with control-S, FTAI-Sweaned sows had higher estrus rate (P〉0.05), fertilization rate, farrowing rate, but litter size or born alive was similar between these groups, respectively. One no static reaction of FTAI-Sweaned sows had success- fully fertilized and farrowed by double FTAI. There were no differences in the time of static reaction between FTAI-S and control-S (P〉0.05). It was concluded that induction of estrus and ovulation by PMSG+GnRH was a viable strategy to FTAI and improved estrus rate, tion. farrowing rate or litter size by breeding at aoptimal fixed time between AI and ovulation.
Feed Review