Peng Yulin is famous for his poems of plum blossom and self-proclaimed that "his lifelong friend is plum blossom".He kept an eye on his life and his country in his more than 160 poems of plum blossom remain in existence with a tinge of emo-tion or regret about the faint scent and simplicity of the plum blossom, the quietly falling down in the wind and the supportingof the prunes and the exuberant of the plum buds, which are not totally written for his feeling. He resided his sigh of his lifeand his country in the plum blossom poems, accompanied by his crusade Taiping, inspection tour of Yangtze River, his su-pervise the army in the war of resistance against France and thus, branded the contact patch of the late Qing era. A roll of po-ems of plum blossom is not only the depiction of Peng Yu-lin's life but also the evidence of the decline of the political situationof the late Qing government.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University
Peng Yu-lin
poems of plum blossom
sigh of his life and country