为研究不同复合免疫增强剂对刺参Apostichopus japonicus非特异性免疫酶的影响,试验设置正常对照组(A组)、芽孢杆菌+壳寡糖+刺五加等中草药组(B组)、芽孢杆菌+壳寡糖+百合等中草药组(C组)、芽孢杆菌+壳寡糖+大黄等中草药组(D组)、芽孢杆菌+壳寡糖+黄芪等中草药组(E组)、芽孢杆菌+壳寡糖组(F组)、壳寡糖组(G组)和芽孢杆菌组(H组)8组,通过在饲料中添加中草药、芽孢杆菌和壳寡糖,研究了芽孢杆菌、壳寡糖和中草药对体质量为(3.87±0.54)g的刺参幼参生长及其酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、溶菌酶(LZM)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)等非特异性免疫酶活力的影响。结果表明:投喂芽孢杆菌、壳寡糖和中草药制剂均促进了刺参的生长,各试验组刺参的增重率和特定生长率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),其中,D和E组均显著高于其他试验组(P<0.05);在饲料中添加不同配伍的复合免疫增强剂对AKP活力无显著性影响(P>0.05);投喂50 d后,C、D、E组ACP活力显著高于对照组(P<0.05);投喂50 d后,除H组外,其他试验组SOD活力均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),其中B、C和D组SOD活力较高;投喂50 d后,除G组外,其他试验组LZM活力均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。研究表明,饲料中共同添加芽孢杆菌、壳寡糖和中草药复合免疫增强剂能进一步提高刺参非特异性免疫酶活力,其中C、D和E试验组均能提高刺参的非特异性免疫力,且C组效果最好。
The survival, growth, and activities of acid phosphatase ( ACP), alkaline phosphatase ( AKP) , lyso-zyme (LZM), and superoxide dismutase ( SOD) were studied in juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus with initial body weight of (3. 87±0. 54)g fed basal diet (control group,group A ) ,and basal diet containing Bacillus + chitosan oligosaccharide + Acanthopanax root compound (group B), BaciZZus+ chitosan oligosaccharide+ lily com-pound (group C), BaciZZus+ chitosan oligosaccharide+ Rheum officinale compound (group D), Bacillus + chitosan oligosaccharide+ Astragalus membranaceus compound ( group E), Bacillus + chitosan oligosaccharide ( group F), chitosan oligosaccharide (group G)and Bacillus (group H) at water temperature of (15±0. 5)℃ for 50 d to evalu-ate the effect of different Chinese herbal medical compound immunostimulants on nonspecific immunity in sea cu-cumber. The results showed that growth of the sea cucumber was improved by dietary Chinese herbal medicines, Bacillus and chitosan oligosaccharide. There were significantly better weight gain and specific growth rate in the sea cucumber juveniles in the experimental groups than those in the control group ( P 〈0.05) , significantly higher in the animals in groups D and E than in the other groups ( P 〈0. 05). No significant difference in AKP activity was observed ( P〉0. 05) , significantly higher AKP activity in sea cucumber in groups C , D and E than that in the con-trol group in the 50 day feeding trial ( P 〈0.05). The ACP activities were shown to be significantly higher in the sea cucumber in groups C , D and E than those in the control group ( P 〈0.05). There were significantly higher SOD activities in the sea cucumber in groups B, C, D, E, F and G than that in control group, especially higher in groups B , C and D. LZM activities were found to be significant higher in the sea cucumber in groups B, C, D, E, F and H than that the control group �
Journal of Dalian Ocean University
Apostichopus japonicus
compound immunostimulant
nonspecific immune enzyme
growth rate
survival rate