为探究电子束辐照对真空包装冷鲜猪肉品质的影响,取屠宰后72 h成熟的猪里脊,在高能电子加速器下辐照,4℃贮藏10 d,评估不同辐照剂量(2.0、4.0、6.0 k Gy)和贮藏时间(0、5、10 d)条件下微生物学,生物化学和蛋白特性的变化。在贮藏第0天,冷鲜猪肉的菌落总数为4.74(lg CFU/g),辐照处理后,2.0,4.0,6.0 k Gy菌落总数分别减少到2.97、2.83和2.66(1g CFU/g),差异性显著(P<0.05);在贮藏前期电子束辐照显著降低了冷鲜猪肉的TVB-N和pH值,但在贮藏后期虽然辐照处理组的TVB-N和pH值低于空白对照组,但二者无显著性差异。辐照处理加剧冷鲜猪肉的脂肪氧化,并使其蛋白质的溶解度和非蛋白氮含量增加,但对于粗蛋白含量无显著性影响。
The pork loins after cooling flushing were irradiated at dose of 2. 0,4. 0,6. 0k Gy using High-energy electronic Eradiating accelerator and then stored at 4 ℃ to estimate the changes of microbial,biochemical and protein attributes at each storage period(0d,5d,10d). The total bacterial counts of control group was 4. 74(lg CFU/g) at the beginning,While those of irradiated treated groups were 2. 97(lg CFU/g),2. 83( lg CFU/g) and 2. 66(1g CFU/g),respectively. The difference between control group and irradiated groups was significant. At earlier storage period,the TVB-N values and p H values of irradiated groups were significantly lower comparing with the control,but the difference was not significance at later storage period even those values were lower in the irradiated groups. Electron beam irradiation accelerated the lipid oxidation degree,increased the NPN content and protein solubility,but protein content was not affected.
Food and Fermentation Industries