生产上常见的马铃薯叶斑类病害主要包括马铃薯早疫病、黑点病和黑斑病等,均导致马铃薯植株叶片枯死、严重时侵染块茎,造成减产。马铃薯早疫病、黑点病和黑斑病的病原分别为茄链格孢菌(Alternaria solani)、链格孢菌(Alternaria alternata)和细极链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuissima),是Alternaria属的三个不同种。本研究旨在针对Alternaria属这三个病原建立一套PCR快速分子鉴定技术,同时结合传统生物学鉴定方法,调查分析黑龙江省马铃薯叶斑类病害Alternaria属病原的小种组成和发生分布情况。结果表明:利用通用引物H3-1a/H3-1b对感染Alternaria病原菌的马铃薯植株病样进行PCR扩增,在489 bp、440 bp和546 bp处出现条带,经测序比对分析,三处目的条带分别鉴定为茄链格孢菌(Alternaria solani)、链格孢菌(Alternaria alternata)和细极链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuissima)。对2015年采集自黑龙江省马铃薯主产区的55个植株叶斑类病样进行生物学和PCR鉴定,结果显示大部分病样为Alternaria属多个小种混合侵染,主要是A.tenuissima、A.alternata和A.solani,这三种病原所占被测病样总数百分比分别为71%、45%和33%,A.tenuissima为优势小种。本研究结果将为准确检测马铃薯植株叶斑类病原菌提供技术支持,为生产上有的放矢防控马铃薯叶斑类病害提供帮助。
Potato foliar disease s in potato production mainly include potato early blight, potato brown spot and potato leaf spot, which lead leaves to wilt, also infect potato tubers, and significantly reduce yields. Those three diseases are caused by a fungus Alternaria solani, Alternaria alternata and Alternaria tenuissima respectively,which belong to Alternaria spp. In this study, we try to develop PCR identification technique and method to explore distribution and composition of these pathogens of potato foliar diseases in Heilongjiang Province combined with traditional morphlogical met hods. The results showed that universal primer(H3-1a/H3-1b)detecting three pathogens was targeted with fragment at 489 bp, 440 bp, 546 bp respectively using PCR assay. It was also sequenced and proved as Alternaria solani, Alternaria alternata and Alternaria tenuissima respectively for the targeted fragment. Then 55 samples with potato foliar diseases symptoms collected from main potato production areas in Heilongjiang Province in 2015 were identified by PCR and morphlogical methods. The results showed that most of samples were mixed with different Alternaria spp, most prevailing and dominant pathogen was A.tenuissima with the percent of 71%, followed by A. alternate with 45% percentage and A. solani with 33%percentage in Heilongjiang province. The results will be helpful to detect accurately these pathogens causing potato foliar diseases and useful in targeting appropriately to control the different foliage diseases.
Molecular Plant Breeding