
杜诗中的道教法术与杜甫的宗教观 被引量:1

The Religious Significance of the Poetry by Du Fu,An Investigation into the Magic Arts of Sending an Epistle to the Dragon in Taoist
摘要 唐帝国对世界上的各种宗教采取开放包容的基本国策,因而民众享有宗教信仰的高度自由。杜甫对于各种宗教均抱有普遍的好感,而他尤其喜好道教。社甫有道教的信仰,有修道的实践,还熟悉道教的仪轨和法术。投龙奇简法术主要用于国家祭祀。在唐代道教呈现出开放的姿态,世界其他宗教的养分为道教所吸收。作为站在时代前列的伟大诗人,杜甫的对于外来宗教的态度是积极和开放的。杜甫的内心世界具有三重结构。一是儒家治国理想的基盘,它为杜甫的道教思想所具体化。二是佛教空灵静美的彼岸世界,它在杜甫的思想中起补充作用。三是基督教看似异端的璀璨光芒,它敦促杜甫珍爱生命,并赋予杜甫以使命感:诗人须在有限的人生中创造出恒久的诗篇以标志人类在宇宙中的特殊存在。 Empire Tang takes a policy to embrace various religions of the world with a freedom of religious belief. Du Fu holds various religions loves Taoism most. He believes in Taoism and has practice of the Taoist cultivation, and familiar with oblational procedures and magic arts. Sending epistle to the dragon is one of the magic arts and an application to the national sacrificial rites. Taoism of Tang Dynasty takes an open attitude and absorbs the nourishing elements from other religions of the world then. As a great poet of the times, Du Fu is active in, and meanwhile open to, the exotic religions. There is a threefold structure in Du Fu's life. One is the Confucian ideals of running a country with a concrete expression in his Taoist thought. Another is the world of Buddhism, which appears to be non- existential, calm and beautiful, and it replenishes him. The third is Christianity that sets a seemingly heretical radiance urging Du Fu to cherish life by endowing him with a sense of mission. In his life, the poet works out poems of etemal value marking the special existence of man in the universe.
作者 张思齐
机构地区 武汉大学中文系
出处 《大连大学学报》 2017年第1期74-89,共16页 Journal of Dalian University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11BZW020)
关键词 杜甫诗歌 道教法术 杜甫其人 宗教情怀 the Du Fu poetry magic arts of Taoism personality of Du Fu religious feelings
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