
中日经济外交的区域权执相争:分径与合流 被引量:4

The Contest for Regional Ascendancy in Sino-Japanese Economic Diplomacy:Divergence or Convergence
摘要 近年来中日经济外交日益突破传统的双边议题和地域束缚,呈现出鲜明的区域指向和第三方平台的特征,集中体现在发展援助实践的"质""量"之争、贸易一体化路径的"深""浅"之争、主场外交理念的"新""旧"之争等三个侧面。中日两国在经济外交中如何超越既有的权执竞争逻辑,寻找更大的利益契合点和合作公约数,关键是辩证地看待三对关系:参与者与主导者的角色转换与心理调适、功能性机制与规范性力量的交织竞争、隐性收益与具象成本的动态转化。 In recent years, Sino-Japanese economic diplomacy has increasingly transcended traditional bilateral issues and geographical constraints, showing a distinctive characteristic of regional orientation and a third -party platform, reflected in the following three aspects: the dispute over the "quality" and "quantity" in the practice of development aid, the competition between the "deep" and "shallow" trade integration approaches, and the contention between "new" and "old" concepts in its home diplomacy. In order to surmount the existing competitive logic in the economic diplomacy and find out greater common interests and potential for cooperation, China and Japan should have an objective view on three aspects, namely the role transformation and psychological adjustment as a participant or a leader, the intertwined competition behind the functional mechanism and the normative power, and the dynamic transformation between hidden profits and conspicuous costs.
作者 贺平 陆诗怡
出处 《日本学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期102-117,共16页 Japanese Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“RCEP与TPP背景下的中国亚太跨区域开放合作战略研究”(编号:13CGJ029) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“战后日本政治、外交实质和未来走向研究”(编号:14JZD033)
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