目的探索2-14岁凝血功能正常的儿童血栓弹力图各项检测正常值范围及性别差异,与成人正常值范围的异同。方法选取凝血功能4项结果正常的儿童126例及健康成人34例,按照年龄分为Ⅰ组(2-3岁)、Ⅱ组(4-8岁)、Ⅲ组(9-14岁)及Ⅳ组(成人18-55岁)。儿童组又根据性别分为男性组和女性组。应用血栓弹力图检测仪分别测定凝血反应时间(R)、凝血形成时间(K)、凝固角(α)、最大振幅(MA)等指标。将不同年龄组和不同性别组的相应结果进行比较。结果经统计学分析,3个儿童组之间各项检测指标均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。儿童组平均值与成人组相比,组间的R值、K值、α角、MA值均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。男性儿童和女性儿童间R值、K值、α角、MA值均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 2-14岁中国儿童的血栓弹力图正常值范围与成人无差异,可参照成人正常值范围判读结果。男性儿童和女性儿童的血栓弹力图正常值范围相同。
Objective To explore the normal ranges and gender difference in TEG test in children aged 2-14 years old,which were compared with adults. Methods A total of 126 children with normal blood coagulation function and 34 adults were recruited and were divided into 4 groups: group I( 2-3 years old),group II( 4-8 years old),group III( 9-14 years old) and group IV( 18-55 years old). The children were also divided by gender. TEG parameters,such as R time,K time,α-angle and MA value,were applied. The results from groups categorized by age and gender were compared. Results The TEG parameters between three children's groups were not different by statistical analysis( P〉0. 05). There was no difference between the mean value of TEG parameters in children's group and those of adult's group( P〉0. 05). Of all the TEG parameters( R time,K time,α-angle and MA value),no gender difference was observed within children's group( P〉005).Conclusion The normal ranges of TEG in children aged 2-14 years old were the same as those in adults. Pediatricians may evaluate the children's TEG parameters by the normal range in adults. No gender difference was observed in normal range of children's TEG parameters.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion