目的探讨电子交叉配血技术在我国临床输血中的可行性与安全性。方法采用全自动血型仪和试管法对患者和献血者进行血型鉴定和抗体筛查。患者和献血者2次血型鉴定结果一致及抗筛试验结果阴性,与传统血清学交叉配血法相符,模拟进行红细胞悬液出库。结果电子交叉配血法与传统血清学交叉配血法结果相符的4435 U红细胞悬液模拟出库给2 330名患者输注,未观察到ABO/RhD血型不合的输血不良反应。电子交叉配血法与传统血清学交叉配血法结果不相符,未模拟出库红细胞悬液65 U。主要原因为患者不规则抗体筛查漏检抗-Mur;患者直接抗球蛋白C3试验阳性需输注洗涤红细胞,患者直接抗球蛋白IgG试验阳性;献血者直接抗球蛋白Ig G试验阳性。结论在完善血型不规则抗体筛查试剂抗原谱和增加患者、献血者直接抗球蛋白试验的基础上,电子交叉配血技术在我国临床输血中具有可行性与安全性。为了临床输血安全,对不符合电子交叉配血条件的应采用血清学交叉配血作为补充。
Objective To explore the feasibility and safety of electronic crossmatching technology in clinical blood transfusion in our country. Methods Blood group identification and antibody screening in patients and blood donors were carried out by using the automatic blood group instrument and test tube method. The results from the identification of two blood groups in patients and blood donors were consistent. The antibody screening test results were negative for both patients and blood donors,and were consistent with the traditional serological cross matching approaches. On these samples,a simulated electronic crossmatching was conducted.Results On 4 435 suspended erythrocyte samples that were consistent with both electronic crossmatching and traditional serological crossmatch,2 330 patients were infused in a simulation. No adverse transfusion reactions,such as ABO/Rh D incompatibility,were observed. 65 samples showed inconsistent results in electronic crossmatch with the traditional serological crossmatch. The main reason was that patients were detected with anti-Mur antibody from irregular antibody screening detection. Patients with positive C3 from direct antiglobulin test were infused with washed red blood cells. Positive Ig G in patients determined by direct antiglobulin test,were also found in donors. Conclusion On the basis of improving reagent antigen spectrum in blood group irregular antibody screening and strengthening the foundation of direct antihuman globulin test in patients and blood donors,the electronic cross matching technology is feasible and safe in clinical blood transfusion. For the safety of clinical blood transfusion,serological crossmatch of blood should be used as a supplement if patients do not qualify for electronic crossmatch.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion